Sunday, March 20, 2011

I will be back!!! (Actually, I am)

Hello All,

I am ashamed of myself. It has been more than 3 years since I posted anything out here. And I have no reason, except my laziness, to give for that. Come to think of it, I am really astounded at how I could put this off for such a looooooooooooooong time. And remember, that was in spite of requests and reminders from some of the people who, fortunately or unfortunately, happened to have read my earlier posts. Anyway, I decided just a few moments ago - Today is the day and Now is the time!!! So here I am. Let's all hope I am able to churn out something worthwhile while I am still in the blogging mood (GOK when I will go into hibernation again).

That reminds me of something - Is hibernation actually good? How beneficial is it to take a break from some thing that seems to tire you out? I have heard of singers (people who know me well would've guessed that I am talking about Bombay Jayashree; as for the others who don't, well, now you do) who actually took a break from the performing career to build up on their existing knowledge and then returned with a freshness that is still enchanting, many years after their return. But will one such example justify such a break in every case? Of course not. I reckon each person's situation will only help them justify (or not) their decision to go into hibernation.

At least in my case of blogging, I know it doesn't.

Of course, we all know our coffee breaks at work definitely do us a lot of good. Come to think of it, there have been times when we (myself and my team) used to feel totally overwhelmed by the work we were doing that we used to take coffee breaks of up to 45 minutes. We would've finished the coffee in 5 minutes, but would never be able to drag ourselves back to our desks for the next 40 minutes. We HAD to sit there and drain out/ discharge before we could even unlock our PC again. And to top it, we would not speak a single word in those 40 minutes. Such was the power of the work ;) lol lol. Anyway, all that's past me now. I have taken zillions of breaks, short and long, at work since then, and have found they are really useful to me.

I can see the enormous value that these breaks can bring into relationships too. I mean, the relationship doesn't have to break, but a period of silence would definitely bring people closer in many instances. At least I have experienced it. Have you?

I am ending this post with a quote which I received from a friend (she actually sends a 'Have a Good Day' email everyday without fail - Guess she is not the hibernating type).

'Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over.'

This I think sums up all the blabbering above that.

Good night folks.


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