Saturday, September 8, 2007

Got it!! I am going to write about my teachers!!!

To all people who are reading this: Thanks for having faith in me and coming back to see if I have actually posted anything of value here. I hope you will not be disappointed.
My last post ended at the point where I was thinking what to write about. I have decided now. I am going to write about teachers: A little in general and my teachers in particular. Don't consider this as bragging, but truly, I have always been the apple of the eye of most of my teachers. In fact, some of you who are reading this could be my school or college mates and bear testimony to this (Which would read as follows when paraphrased: You are hereby requested by yours truly to post your comments to the effect that my claim stands corroborated, and yes, many thanks in advance).

Okay, now that I have said what I have said above, you must have guessed that I will have lots to write about my teachers. Good! So I will start writing about my teachers who have taught me various subjects at various stages of my life, in various classes, in various schools (Not many, only 2) etc. etc. I will try to make a list (dunno if that will be exhaustive) of at least my favourite teachers and pen down (or rather HTML-ise or whatever xxML-ise) my thoughts, opinions and experiences here, for you to read. I will start with my teachers at my first school, OLN - Our Lady's Nursery, then fly over to Boston school (which is, ironically, in Nandanam, Madras) and then try to time-ship you to Kanchipuram, where I did my engineering from. I am sure this journey is going to be a very long one and I am sincerely hoping to complete it successfully. Of course, I will digress now and then from the chain to write about something else, but I will surely try to come back, because I don't want to keep you waiting for long (I can hear you say 'Keep dreaming', but then what are we without a dream?).

Fine then. It's 9.30 at night here in Sydney and have to go home and make some dinner for me. So see you soon. Bbye and take care.

PS: If you were expecting to read something about my teachers in this post itself, please, FYI read the title of this post again. It says Got it!! I am going to write about my teachers!!! This is in the future tense. So, leave now and please come back later.

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